Myself and my quiz partner Siddard Won 1st prize on quiz event at Jawaharlal Institute of technology, Coimbatore on December 21 been thee with college cultural team. Its always been a fantastic time with the cultural team. Inspired by the effort they put on stage, their energy is on spot. Well done guys!.
2nd prize for General quiz and 3rd prize for Cinema Quiz at Thanjavur Medical College
5:30:00 PM

3rd prize at Aalim Muhammed Salegh college of engineering, chennai
6:02:00 AM

1st in Business quiz at St.Joseph's College,Trichy
4:49:00 AM

Paramakudi, the birth place of the legend Tamil actor Kamalhasan. The Government college in Paramakudi got a unique feature, its the only government college in Tamil Nadu to have a MBA program. The accommodation and the support given by the organizers was surprising and my hearty wishes to the students.
1st prize for Business quiz event at Government Arts College, Paramakudi
9:30:00 AM

2nd in Quiz at Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
4:54:00 AM

2nd prize for Business quiz event at St,Joseph's College, Trichy
9:38:00 AM

2nd prize for quiz at hindusthan college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
10:22:00 AM

1st prize at Pavendar Bharathidasan college of arts and science
1:30:00 AM

2nd prize for quiz Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai
10:03:00 AM